Kansan Raamattuseura, Logos Ministries of Finland has a calling to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to equip Christians to find their gifts and place in the Body of Christ.
We serve local churches in evangelism and in teaching and equipping church members. Besides work with local churches, we reach out to students, youth and children, have marriage ministries and work among senior citizens.
We work within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland but are open to work with other churches and denominationsas in proclaiming the Gospel and encouraging people to believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and finding their place as His followers and disciples.
The motto of our work is: Living by grace, proclaiming Jesus.
In our ministry there is room for people from different spiritual backgrounds and emphasis. We want to build bridges – both for knowing God and in fellowship with Christians across social and denominational boundaries.
Besides work with local churches, we have student, youth, children and marriage ministries and work among senior citizens. In Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä and Kuopio we offer activities for different age groups.
In our retreat centers we offer a wide selection of events, courses, retreats and camps for all age groups. Check out Vivamo, Kairosmaja, Orisberg, Säynämö and Tervonsalmi.
Vivamo is especially known for the Vivamo Bible Village theater that performs Bible stories and reaches annually thousands of people of all ages.
We publish Finland´s leading Christian magazine Sana
The main thrust of our work is in Finland, but we have connections and work also abroad.
We partner with Agape Europe/ CRU especially in student ministry. A number of Finns serve in full time ministry with AE/CRU abroad.
In Estonia we co-operate with the Church of Estonia in trainers’ training for Time for Growth course. In India we support ministry among orphans and widows through local organisations.
Logos Ministries of Finland was founded in 1945 after tge Second World War during a spiritual revival in Finland. Our work is made possible by the support, prayers and voluntary work of thousands of friends. Two thirds of our annual income is made up of donations from our regular supporters, offerings and fund raising campaigns.
Director: Kalle Virta, pastor
Editor-in-Chief of the Sana magazine: Ilkka Enkenberg